September 01, 2005


The summer is over

Since May 27 we have lived at our summer resort (a TV and web free zone) and experienced all four seasons during these 14 weeks. In the begining the weather was really bad; cold, rainy and windy. End June we went to visit Skagen in Denmark and the summer decided to explode. The heat nearly up to +31 continued two weeks after our return. When we got visitors from UK the swap between rain and sunshine made very bad BBQ planning.
In the last weeks of August the autumn has arrived together with clear night sky, sparkling stars and close to +5 celcius in the early mornings. Then it was due for return to our city appartment, and tonight we again may turn on the TV and have open line to the world through Internet.
We are, however, looking forward to move up to Tullarbo again next spring.
September is here.

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