September 27, 2005


Developing paintings based upon feedback

Originally uploaded by ArneA.
Sometimes feedback is of great value. Not only as a signal from the world (as the one from Portugal in August) that someone out there is reading my blog and looking at my paintings, but direct comments from other atrists of how to improve my work.
Present painting from the beautiful Hjørundfjord
  • See Sunnmørsalpene
  • and valley Nordangsdalen is a repainting of a work I made this summer. Gunnar (with many years of drawing and painting ships) and an excellent illustrator and previous working colleague, gave me concrete feedback on how to improve the light and shadow of the water.
    I am not sure that the repainted performance is up to expectations and thus quality (Q=P/E), but the response is of such value for me that a blogpost to his honor became a must. Thanks.

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