March 17, 2006



Studio mars 06
Originally uploaded by ArneA.
If you still do not understand what I mean, take a look at my studio today, and see the Dictionary:

color |ˈkələr| ( Brit. colour) noun

The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light : the lights flickered and changed color.
• one, or any mixture, of the constituents into which light can be separated in a spectrum or rainbow, sometimes including (loosely) black and white : a rich brown color | a range of bright colors. • the use of all colors, not only black, white, and gray, in photography or television : he has shot the whole film in color | [as adj. ] color television.
• a substance used to give something a particular color : lip color.
• figurative a shade of meaning : many events in her past had taken on a different color. • figurative character or general nature : the hospitable color of his family.
• Heraldry any of the major conventional colors used in coats of arms (gules, vert, sable, azure, purpure), esp. as opposed to the metals, furs, and stains.

and even more can be found in
  • Apple Dictionary

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