August 21, 2007


Sitting nude - The Partner

In my last blogpost I presented a proposal for a bedroom "wallpaper". The painting was perhaps too small (74x50) for the wall planned, so I made a Partner for the Sitting nude.

Together these two paintings as a diptych will cover 74 x 105 cm of the wall.

Same colours as the background, and put together, they will cover a story not to be told in this blog but in the bed.

Hopefully the erotic undertone (?) may inspire for the right action.

Well, I have serious doubts as to the expected action. However, my version on the bedside story would be as follows:
Gianni (the photographer): Mona, give us the looks! No, no, no, not the boobs! Not yet.
Mona: Wha'da'ya want me to do, then? That bloke ain't gonna do nothi'n anyway. He's a bleedin' faggot, can't ya see?
Gianni: Never mind that, love!
Valentino: (Giggling) Ohmygod! I find the expression "faggot" offensive. You should never be vulgar with strangers. Gay is definitely more to my taste. How's my eyeliner?
Gianni: Cut. This is worthless. Will someone bring in the next male model, please!!

So, Arne where's the next painting placed? To the left, to the right, or on Gianni?
Personally, I prefer the flowers and the bees. So soothing, so relaxed, no sex pressure, if you get my meaning?
Nice colours, though!
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