August 23, 2007


From one through two to Triptychon

As expected the bedroom owner did not want nudes at the wall. That is the daily life, and a normal situation for an unknown painter. Some likes what you do and some does not. The end of the story is that I myself have had a nice time doing these paintings (the process is important), and if I was a famous painter they would probably be sold at acceptable prices.

So as a result these paintings are put together as a Triptychon and stored away, waiting for the situation many of the street art painters now encounter. Street art is not Taging or territorial graffiti, vandalism, or corporate art.Street art is copies of paintings made in an artist´s studios. Street Art Paintings sold (if at all) for a few dollars some years ago, now have a value of more than hundred thousand dollars.

Well it could at least be a dream.

Come on, Arne! Putting three paintings together that way won’t do! OK, they are naked and they visited the same sun studio, but the blond girl and the giggling boy are both on the same bed! And then all of a sudden this blue-haired temptress comes tumbling down in a very tight cube, landing between the others, creating the absolute disharmony!!

Or… come to think of it, I suspect you did it deliberately, Arne. Analyzing his withdrawn pose, the boy is hardly very interested in girls at all. He’s protecting himself from those hideous, revolting creatures. Still he can see their behaviour as strange and funny. Like all humans find the baboon’s sexual signals awkward and hilarious.
Well, well, never doubt the genius. A new story told, and I suspect there will be more. Alas, I would never have the "triptychon" in my bedroom. Because, if I was planning a tête-à-tête in bed with my love, I’m afraid we’d be too distracted by the paintings, and there would be no desired action, as you put it, Arne.

Regards Lucy
Never stop dreaming or creating Arne!
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